Uploading your own images

Help Desk Dude

Last Update 2 years ago

Adzy has literally thousands of carefully curated images for every type of business. These images have been carefully selected for their advertising effectiveness and we use a mix of creative ad agency knowledge and AI, to ensure you get the best Ad for your application.

However, if you would like to use your own image, perhaps a product shot, a picture of an event, or something else unique to your business, then with Adzy's Max and Plus Plans, you can upload and manage your photos with Adyz's built-in Image Library.  

The Image Library comes with a cleverly designed tool to help you automatically format your images for different social media placement options and sizes. Just point and click and then tweak as required!

You'll need to ensure you have the rights to use any images you upload, so do make sure you check this out first. There's more information on copyright and licencing in this article here

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